
How to exercise the legs to modify the legs?


Participate in fitness, whether you want to achieve the […]

Participate in fitness, whether you want to achieve the purpose of reducing fat and shaping, or just for health, leg training should be the focus of your training. As the most dense part of the whole body muscles, the leg muscles account for more than 70% of the whole body. Almost all leg training movements involve the whole body muscles. Take the most common squat as an example. When the body completes a squat, more than 200 muscles will participate in the strength.
Because of this, leg training can help us effectively maximize the calories in a single training session. Regular leg training can also effectively improve the body's metabolism, which is more conducive to your fat loss and shaping. Regular leg training can help us shape more perfect buttocks and legs, and make the whole person look more coordinated and sexy.
Regular leg training can also be effective in anti-aging. The leg muscles are larger and can bear more weight. With age, the muscles in the body will also be lost year by year. The loss of leg muscles will have a great impact on the body. Large, originally leg muscles can help joints to share the pressure, after the loss of leg muscles, knees, ankles and other joints need to bear more body weight, if things go on like this, joint pain and injury will occur.
Regular leg training can maintain leg muscles, effectively protect body joints, and enable us to have a high-quality old age. So whether it is for the body or for health, we must pay attention to leg training.
Many people may talk about the discoloration of leg training. When it comes to leg training, their minds are full of heavy squats and heavy deadlifts. When they think of it, people will retreat. In fact, we don’t need too much training when we train Weight, what we usually see are some leg training videos of bodybuilders. In order to obtain a better visual effect during the competition, they need to add more leg muscles so that they can continuously impact heavy weight.
And the ultimate goal of our fitness is not to compete, but to make the body healthier and more stylish, so you can completely reduce weight, even free exercise can also be used, the following recommend a set of leg training exercises suitable for most people Leg fitness equipment can also improve leg muscles and shape the perfect leg shape.
Squat down.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, sit back with your hips, squat with your knees bent, and then rely on the strength of your hips and legs to restore your body, keeping your knees in the same direction as your toes.
Bulgarian one-leg squat:
Stand with your back to the bench or chair, with one foot on the chair. Keep the distance between your legs about 1.5 times the width of your shoulders. Hold the dumbbells with both hands and hang down naturally, then keep the center of gravity between your legs, bend your hips, bend your knees, squat on your front legs and the ground, and then stand up until your body is upright. Throughout the movement, your knees and toes should be consistent.
Lean backward and lunge squat:
Stand with your feet as wide as your hips, keep your waist and back straight, tighten your core, keep your body stable, do not shake, step back inward, squat down, and stand until your thighs are parallel to the ground the previous year. Keep your knees and toes in the same direction.
Before doing formal movements, you should move each joint and activate stable muscles, which can effectively avoid accidental injuries during exercise. The number and frequency of exercise can be selected according to your physical condition. In addition, after training, don't forget to relax and stretch the trained muscles.
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