
How to exercise correctly when you first enter the gym?


For novice fitness, how should exercise? What issues sh […]

For novice fitness, how should exercise? What issues should be paid attention to? Although everyone's fitness plan is different, if you want to get a better fitness effect, you should pay attention to several issues.



The goal is to pursue heavy weight and achieve a cycle.
Many fitness novices learn from various fitness gods from the beginning and choose heavy and high-intensity fitness. Over time, not only does the fitness effect fail, but it is also easy to cause physical injury. You have to know that everyone's physical condition and health status are different, and not all fitness programs are suitable for you.
In the process of fitness, whether it is aerobic training or strength training, one of the main principles of fitness needs to be followed, that is, step by step. Only by doing this and making progress in a certain sequence and steps can the fitness effect be improved and physical injury avoided.
Don't do squats for a few hundred kilograms, sit-ups for a few hundred kilograms, push-ups for a few hundred kilograms, and then continue for 30 minutes of HIIT high-intensity interval training, bench presses for a few hundred kilograms, and so on. Can this fitness method really build muscle? As far as fitness efficiency is concerned, action posture> action intensity> number of actions. It can be seen that action intensity is not the first. Moreover, some muscles do not need to be overstrengthened during exercise. If the muscles in these parts are overtrained for a long time, it will cause muscle elasticity and muscle damage.
Therefore, before exercising, we should understand our physical condition. If the body fat content is high and you want to achieve weight loss through fitness, you should start aerobic training from low to medium intensity (to avoid knee damage due to excessive weight base), such as jogging. After the body adapts, further increase the training intensity.
When training information power, we must first pay attention to the standardization of standardized movements, and then increase the intensity of the movements. Only in this way can muscle damage and knee damage be reduced.


Exercise time should be controlled well, not as long as possible
Some fitness novices rushed to the fitness training for several hours, feeling that their athletic ability is very strong, and long-term training can improve the fitness effect. At this point, are you sure you have considered your body? Regardless of whether you are a fitness novice or a fitness veteran, if you perform excessive training, it will cause your body to be over-fatigued, and rhabdomyolysis syndrome is likely to occur. When this disease occurs, the body needs long-term recovery, which not only affects the fitness effect, but also affects health.
Research data shows that the most scientific fitness time should be controlled between 60-90 minutes. Excessive exercise time will cause physical discomfort, and attention will decrease during exercise. When you are lazy, your muscle congestion will decrease and your fitness efficiency will decrease.


Losing weight can't just do aerobic training and ignore strength training
Strength training is important for both muscle gainers and fat losers. For weight-loss people, although strength training cannot directly burn more fat, it can increase the body's muscle content, which means that the body's basal metabolic rate will also increase. Basic metabolism is the leading factor in burning fat, that is to say, high muscle content will improve basic metabolic capacity and promote fat burning efficiency. So losing weight can not only lose weight, but also shape.
Novice fitness players can start with compound movements (such as squats, presses, pull-ups, lunges, etc.) when performing strength training. ), multiple muscle groups participate, increase muscles, consume more calories, and help lose weight.
Life is not difficult to find, if a weight-loss person only uses aerobic training to lose weight, and another weight-loss person uses a combination of aerobic training + strength training to lose weight, you will find the degree of firmness of the two. The lines and curves are completely different.


Reasonable control of calorie intake
As a novice fitness player, if the purpose is to increase muscle, then the calorie intake will increase appropriately, because muscles need adequate nutrition during the process of growth and recovery. Especially for some thin people, if you want to increase muscle, the first thing to do is to increase your calorie intake, so that the body can provide the required nutrients after exercise. Otherwise, if you do not increase your calorie intake, there will be no nutrition to restore muscle growth, and you will not be able to exercise muscles at all.
And for people whose goal is to reduce fat, it is to reduce calorie intake. However, calorie intake should also be properly controlled, and diets should not be completely diet. The calorie intake must meet the needs of metabolism, and the calorie intake is 20% less than usual, and more vegetables and high-quality protein can be added to help lose weight.


Although the above points cannot be used to arrange how to eat and how to exercise for novices, they can also help novices understand the most basic fitness knowledge before exercising and help them improve their fitness effects.

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