
Gym weight loss should be practical to choose personal training courses


The recommendation for novices to lose fat is to combin […]

The recommendation for novices to lose fat is to combine aerobic training with each strength training, and strength training does not need to be subdivided. The body can be divided into upper extremity and lower extremity alternate training, each type of training can follow the following steps:
Warm-up (5 minutes), strength training (30-40 minutes for upper or lower limbs), aerobic training (20 minutes)? Relax (5 minutes). The specific time can be adjusted according to the actual situation, but the recommended time for each exercise is about one hour, not more than one and a half hours.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
The following are the specific steps for each fitness exercise:
First step, warm up
Warming up is an indispensable part of fitness, and it must not be ignored when losing fat, because warming up can put the body into exercise and greatly reduce the probability of injury. If you get injured during sports, it will not only affect your progress, but also cause irreversible damage to your body.
The fitness session is relatively simple, such as jogging, elliptical machine, usually about 3-5 minutes, and then properly stretched to reduce muscle adhesion.
Step 2: strength training
The most important thing for a novice to go to the gym is physical examination and familiarity with the equipment. Which equipment and movements have exercised which parts, and how much weight has been used, all need to be mastered.
Under normal circumstances, the weight is only 8-12 times of exhaustion (girls can set it at 12-15 times). For those who are not familiar with mastering movements, you can use a lower weight to master the movements, either empty the barbell or the lightest weight.
Strength training is divided into upper limbs and lower limbs. Multi-joint compound movements should be selected to give the body more and more effective stimulation. The following is the detailed training content:
Upper limb training:
The first step: chest muscles: 3 sets of barbell bench press? Dumbbell birds 2 groups.
Step 2: Shoulders: 3 sets of equipment or dumbbells to push the shoulders? 2 sets of dumbbell side lifts.
Step 3: Back: Pull down 3 sets of equipment? One-arm dumbbell rowing.
Step 4: Waist and abdomen: 2 groups? The Roman chairs are divided into two groups.
The chest and shoulders are 8-12 times per group, the abdominal muscles are 12-15 times per group, and the rest is 30-60 seconds between groups.

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