
In the gym, how should novices choose fitness equipment?


In the gym, how should novices choose fitness equipment […]

In the gym, how should novices choose fitness equipment? I believe that many novices will be very confused when entering the gym. What are so many instruments used for? What should be used? So let's talk about how beginners choose fitness equipment.



Simply put, most gyms can be divided into two areas.
Power area:
Used to place equipment that increases muscle circumference and strength. Common ones are dumbbells, barbells, fixed equipment, gantry frames, ropes and so on. (When entering the gym, there are more muscular men, which is a strength zone).
Aerobic zone:
Used to place equipment that increases your aerobic capacity, such as treadmills, elliptical machines, climbing machines, etc. Enter the gym (which girls have more, basically the aerobic zone hasn't run yet, but occasionally there are muscular men in this area).


For beginners, the first thing you have to do is to enter the power zone, find the equipment I introduced to you as soon as possible, and become familiar with them, because these equipment is what can change you, and it is also something you should spend time learning (thousands). Don't run on the treadmill as soon as you come, do some aerobic exercise first).
For novices who do not require personal training, I don't recommend using free weight equipment (that is, what we call dumbbell barbells). Because free weight equipment is difficult to learn, and the probability of injury is high without guidance, it is recommended that novices start with relatively easy-to-use fixed equipment.


But the problem is that there are so many fixed devices. What should I practice?
Believe it or not, although there are many instruments, the functions of many instruments are duplicated. You don't need to know how to use each one. You only need to choose a few. I recommend five types of fitness equipment for you to get started. By learning to use these five fitness equipment, you can basically train your whole body muscles. Then you can learn and use new fitness equipment according to personal needs based on these five fitness equipment.
One: Sit back pedal
Two: Seated chest pusher
Three: sitting down
Four: Sitting rowing machine
Five: dumbbell side lift
The training plan composed of these five fitness equipment is not complete, you can learn and adjust according to your own needs.

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