
What things are easy to omit from your fitness training? (1)


Sometimes the longer the fitness time, the easier it is […]

Sometimes the longer the fitness time, the easier it is for us to ignore some simple things, but it is these simple things, the better the effect, doing some things in daily life from time to time, will bring us good health benefits.
And the three movements I will introduce today, you must be very familiar with fitness exercises, but you may not do them in daily life. Some simple movements also need to be practiced frequently, whether you are a novice or a veteran, or if you don’t do fitness exercises. For those who train, it takes about 5-10 minutes to do a cycle every other day, which can also bring you good health benefits, make you more flexible, and improve your physical condition.
Step 1: Self-weight squat
Squat is undoubtedly a very good exercise, everyone should have a good squat ability. With the development of modern life, sedentary people are becoming more and more common. Even if we go to the gym to train 3-5 times a week, we may not be able to master this movement.
The right practice can bring us many benefits. On the contrary, wrong practice will increase our physical burden.
First of all, squats have certain requirements on the flexion and extension capabilities of the hip, knee, and ankle joints, and too many people, especially those who sit for a long time, have not up to the standard for the flexion and extension capabilities of the hip and knee, and even the ankle joint flexion and extension capabilities. .
Due to insufficient joint flexion and extension ability and feet, many people cannot maintain the tension on the back side when squatting. When squatting, the heels will be lifted unconsciously, leaning forward, and even knee buckling. This series of problems indicate There are problems with your thoracic spine movement, pelvic stability, core strength, joint flexion and extension, and back chain abilities.
And if you can complete dozens of standard self-weight squats, then your body function is actually better than many ordinary people, at least the probability of the problems mentioned above is very small.
Although the weight-bearing squat is very simple, many people will focus on the weight-bearing squat when they start to get into fitness training. One of the problems caused by weight-bearing squats is that you will focus more on the weight of the squat, instead of paying too much attention to the quality of your movements.
But self-weight squats are different. When you deliberately practice self-weight squats, your energy will pay more attention to the quality of the movements. Don't think that self-weight squats are simple and not easy to do.
You need to spend a lot of energy to feel your body, practice 15-20 times at a time, plus 5-10 bottom pauses, to ensure that each movement is absolutely natural and smooth, let your body adapt to this mode of action, and let the joints and muscles adapt. This action mode is not only good for your health, but also helps you to squat the correct squat mode when you perform weight-bearing squats in the future.
And when you gradually feel that this kind of exercise is too simple, you can increase the difficulty appropriately. Single-leg squats are your next stage of ability.

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