
What is the best resistance band for exercise?


1. Resistance band training for the back of the neck mu […]

1. Resistance band training for the back of the neck muscles
Friends with neck and neck discomfort can try this action. When you can feel the movement of the cervical spine from the front to the back for the first time, the resistance band of the shoulder width is placed on the back of the head, and the hand is suitable to pull the resistance band and do neck extension. It can be repeated ten times in two groups.




2. Resistance band back training
The most complete collection! Resistance bands can help you exercise your whole body!
This opens up the shoulders and increases the strength of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles in the middle of the back.
When doing this, the resistance band can be fixed at the height of the back shoulder blades (single or double training). After adjusting the resistance band, do shoulder blade retraction and feel that the shoulder blade drives the arm, like spreading wings. This action can be repeated ten times, in two or three sets.

3. Serratus anterior resistance band training
If the wing scapula is caused by the weakness of the serratus anterior muscle, you can try this exercise. When you do this, you can reach the four-point support position. Put the resistance band on your wrist, put the shoulder blade back on your back, and control the back and forth movement of the shoulder blade.
Do not stretch the spine forward or backward to compensate for the control of the scapula. This can be repeated ten times in three groups.

4. The core control of the dead insect position in the resistance zone
Strengthen your core control ability by tying resistance bands to thigh-high railings. Then, lie on your back and pull the resistance band from your arms and torso to 90 degrees.
After the upper part of the torso is controlled, hip joint exercises can be performed when the pelvis is in a neutral position. You can cooperate with abdominal breathing, exhalation and flexion, inhalation and descending, to ensure that the pelvis is in a neutral position during the whole process, and the upper core is fixed and tightened. 3 groups can be repeated 4-6 times.

5. Stability training of lower limbs in the resistance zone
This exercise increases the control of the lower limbs on one side and also stimulates the medial head of the quadriceps.
To do this, put the brace on your right side, put a balance pad in front of you, and then push your left leg forward, keeping your torso relatively upright, your weight between your front thighs Vertical line.
The centerline of the trunk moves forward or upward relative to the plane of the trunk. Throughout the process, make sure your ankles, knees, and hips are in a neutral position. It can be repeated six times in three groups.

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