
Some fitness basics improve your fitness efficiency!


Before fitness, you should first understand some basic […]

Before fitness, you should first understand some basic fitness knowledge, learn to distinguish some wrong fitness concepts, and avoid fitness rumors, so that you can reduce misunderstandings, less enter the minefield, and your fitness efficiency will be greatly improved!
Some fitness basics, learned to make you more efficient fitness, and get a good figure faster!
The target muscle group cannot be exercised every day.
In strength training, you need to allocate muscle exercises reasonably, rather than exercising the same muscles every day. The muscles are in a torn state after exercise, and it takes 2-3 days of rest to achieve repair and reorganization, and the muscles can develop and grow.
If you exercise the same muscle group every day, the muscles will not get enough rest, cannot achieve reorganization, and the muscle gain efficiency will slow down instead. Generally speaking, 2-3 muscle groups are arranged for training every day, and other muscle groups can be arranged for training the next day to give the muscles enough rest time.
Weight training cannot be set in stone.
In order to improve the dimensionality of the muscles, we should carry out weight-bearing training under the premise of the standard of movement, so that the muscles can grow thicker. And the same weight-bearing level for a long time will make the body fall into a bottleneck period and can't get thicker.
Fitness plans are not static. Novices and experienced players have different load levels. After a period of training, muscle strength will be improved. We need to gradually increase the load level to prevent the muscles from falling into the bottleneck period, so that the muscles can be stronger.
Muscle and fat cannot be transformed into each other.
Fitness is not about turning fat into muscle, because they are completely different tissues. Fitness is to reduce fat and improve muscle dimensions. We need to brush fat through aerobic exercise and increase muscle through strength training. Only by increasing and decreasing both can you have a good figure.
Muscles are precious tissues of the body. After 30 years of age, muscles will gradually lose. Muscle loss means that the body's basal metabolism level is reduced, and the body is prone to gain weight, so this is how middle-aged people gain weight.
Moreover, the body fat rate can reflect the weight of the body. Generally speaking, the body fat rate of girls is less than 24%, and the body fat rate of boys is less than 20%.
Sweating does not mean that fat is burning.
The more sweating, the better the weight loss effect? No. You will sweat when you go to the sauna, but this is a sign of dehydration, and fat is not burned. The weight will increase if you add water. Sweat is not fatty tears, but the body's mechanism for regulating body temperature.
In order to improve the efficiency of fat burning, we need to improve the body's calorie gap, reduce calorie intake, increase calorie output, in order to mobilize more fat to participate in the decomposition, and make the body gradually thinner.
5. After 30 minutes of exercise, the body's fat burning efficiency will be greatly improved.
At the beginning of exercise, the body mainly breaks down glycogen, and the amount of fat involved is very low. With the extension of exercise time, glycogen is gradually consumed, and the amount of fat involved will increase to the maximum, at this time the fat burning efficiency is the highest.
Therefore, people who lose weight through fitness exercise should stick to more than 30 minutes each time to improve the efficiency of fat burning. For example, every time we run, we can’t stop after running for 20 minutes. It is best to persist for more than half an hour, so that the weight loss effect will be better.

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