
How Long Should I Rest During Fitness Training?


Many training theories emphasize that rest time between […]

Many training theories emphasize that rest time between groups is an important factor in resistance training, especially when the training goal is muscle hypertrophy.
However, in many bodybuilders' concepts of gaining muscle, there is a concept that a shorter body rest time between groups can make the gaining effect better. I am convinced. But in fact, this statement is being questioned by the latest research and data.
In the next step, we will talk about the rest between groups from three aspects:
From the 1980s to the 1990s, to around 2000, most scientific evidence seems to suggest that in resistance training, shorter rest periods between groups can stimulate hormone secretion, and finally come to a preset conclusion: if you want to use To maximize the effect of muscle hypertrophy, you must find a way to produce the strongest hormone increase after training.
Until the beginning of the 21st century, more and more new research started from a more perfect design perspective and questioned it. A study found that volunteers who rested for only 1 minute had a stronger short-term synthetic hormone response than volunteers who rested for 2.5 minutes. But what is interesting is that the volunteers with longer rest periods increased the dimensionality of the arm muscles more.
Therefore, it can be concluded with certainty that the hormone response caused by training is not the cause of muscle growth. The theory that the shorter the rest time is more suitable for muscle growth is unreasonable.
Metabolic fatigue
Some people would think: shortening the rest time between groups can increase metabolic fatigue and stimulate muscle hypertrophy. However, it is worth noting that if you pay too much attention to the use of light weight training methods, it will produce metabolic pressure, but it will lead to the inability to gradually increase the tension and training ability.
The latter is obviously the more effective method in shorter rest periods and the use of larger weights or larger capacities.
Muscle damage
In the concept of fitness and muscle gain, the shorter the rest time between groups, the better the effect of muscle fiber damage and the better the effect of muscle gain.
But from a practical point of view, muscle injury is not an inevitable requirement for muscle growth. In other words, there is no need to specifically design a training plan to pursue a large amount of muscle damage.
In fact, if the muscles are damaged too much, it is likely to reduce the ability of power output, and also affect the capacity and intensity of later training, which will have a negative impact on the muscle gain effect.
In short, no matter whether shortening the rest time between groups is really useful, even if it has some effects, after weighing the negative effects, you will find that doing so does more harm than good.
Everyone can control the rest time between groups according to the weight and intensity of the training. If you are doing powerlifting training, it will undoubtedly require a long period of rest between groups.
If you are doing light weight training, you can take advantage of shorter breaks between sets to improve training efficiency.
All in all, when you have a certain amount of training experience and find your own training rhythm, you can set aside an appropriate rest time according to your training needs of the day.
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