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Essential knowledge for gym fitness


1. The training time is best fixed. Go to the gym every […]

1. The training time is best fixed. Go to the gym every day to arrange the exercises at the same time as much as possible. This will enable you to develop a fixed contact habit and help the internal organs of the body to form conditioned reflexes. Do not exercise one hour after meals and one hour before bedtime, otherwise it will affect digestion and sleep. The best time for physical fitness is generally between 15: 00-20: 00, which can be considered as the first training time.

2. Grasp the correct breathing method. When performing strength exercises in the gym, grasping the correct breathing method can help us gather ideas, make the movements harmonious and rhythmic, and lift more weight in the exercise. General movements and small-scale trials are forced, inhale when muscles shorten, and exhale when you relax. When lifting a large amount or after a few trials, exhale deeply first, then hold the breath, then lift and release, and then take a deep breath. Mouth breathing should be used during the exercise. Exercises should be performed before the exercise to prevent muscle ligament strain. Relaxation exercises should be performed after the exercise to help eliminate muscle strain and recover from fatigue.

3, the amount of load depends on their physical fitness Many people are very enthusiastic about power equipment, but a word of caution, go to the gym to lift iron and perhaps perform other load exercises, must be within their ability. Generally speaking, the number of effective times for developed muscle mass is 8-12 times, and at least 8 times, this number should be the limit. Therefore, the load should be grasped at 70% -80% of the individual's maximum strength, that is, the most useful number of times to use this load is to do with a large load, not to exceed 5 times. The most useful times to turn on endurance and reduce fat are to do 20 times with a small load, and even to stop the waist and abdomen fat.

4. Each movement needs to be practiced in several groups. When exercising in the gym, each exercise movement needs to be practiced in several groups, so that the affected muscles can be adjusted into the state and the muscle volume can be adjusted to increase. In general, the number of large muscle groups may be larger, and the number of small muscle groups may be smaller. It is advisable for beginners to have three sets of each action, not less than two sets. After having a certain foundation, they can be added to three to five sets according to the increase in strength.

5. The rest time should not be too long. The rest time of each training group should not be too long. Generally it is between 40 seconds and 50 seconds. Do not exceed 15 minutes for the rest time of high-load and high-intensity exercises. Excessive rest periods can affect the exercise. So don't rest in the gym, it's endless, especially when talking with acquaintances.

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